Cradle Of Sins - Launch Date Statement.

19 Jun 2023, 22:02
💎Cradle Of Sins - Launch Date Statement - Good evening everyone, I am here to deliver this announcement in order to bring some clarity about one of the most frequently asked question: " Wen Launch?" As many of you know, we said that our goal is to launch the game by the end of Q2 2023, as you can see we are only 2 weeks away until the end of this quarter so we wanted to make this announcement ahead of time. 🫡 - The Game Needs More Time To Fully Develop It is a certainty we won't be able to launch this Q2, everyone including the team wanted to launch but the game needs more polish as it's still rough around the edges. We have always stated that game is planned to launch in Q2, although we also said it is possible to extend this timeline, until the developers are certain the game is ready to be shipped. - We only got one chance to have the best launch possible, we must not act with haste just for the sake of launching, instead it's more important to make sure we are doing things the right way. ✅New Launch Timeframe: Will be announced by the end of this month.