Reading this chat gives me headache. 90% of the conversations is related to the chart, sells and jeets.

14 Apr 2023, 12:26
Reading this chat gives me headache. 90% of the conversations is related to the chart, sells and jeets. Everyone here should relax and sit back, don’t be glued to the monitor observing every trade on the chart. Be wiser, be smarter. That’s not how you build a community and positivity. Everyone acting here like this project will end this month. It will continue for many years, and so the chart and investors will rise. Some huge coins/tokens/projects took years to did multiple thousand X, and you are worried after few days after token launch. Zoom out, see the bigger picture. In legit, decent crypto projects there are two type of winners, devs and holders. It can took months, years, but common sense says, price won’t stay at these levels in the future.